We have been working with Sue Ryder Bicycle Workshops within HMP estates to enable bike parts to be cleaned efficiently and speedily. Sue Ryder is then able to sell the bikes in their high street shops to raise money for the charity’s palliative, bereavement, and neurological support.

The charity operates three bike workshops across the UK and a fourth one is being planned. 

Volunteers from the prisons are offered training to a qualified Bike Mechanic level to renovate second-hand and donated bikes back into optimal condition and ready for sale.  We have provided ex-demonstrator ROwashers to speed up and increase the quality of component cleaning as part of the restoration process.

The sale of these reconditioned bikes has raised more than £200,000 since the first workshop opened in 2018.

What problem did the customer have?

Prior to our donation of the bioremediating ROwashers, Sue Ryder Bicycle Workshops had been using manual spray cleaners and rags.  This was proving to be both expensive and messy to use. 

What solution has Rozone provided?

Our team has donated ex-demo ROwashers free of charge.

Carl James, our Account Development Manager, comments: “The initial feedback from Sue Ryder Bicycle Workshops has been superb.  The bicycle mechanic instructor responsible for the workshop has commented that using the ROwasher, instead of the traditional manual spray and rag method, is a more efficient and effective way of cleaning and repairing donated bicycles.

“The ROwasher is allowing the workshop to get the best possible clean without any environmental harm or risk to the technicians. It is the perfect recycling solution to breathe life into older second-hand bikes, whilst saving on waste, providing environmental benefits of re-use rather than landfill.”

A workshop instructor comments: “We are really grateful for the donation from Rozone, which has made the upcycling and repair of second-hand bikes a much smoother and efficient process.”

What impact or benefit has the ROwasher had?

Cleaning Quality:

  • Powerful solvent-free clean
  • Good-as-new clean for all bike parts
  • Parts will last longer as they are cleaned and cared for better

Health & Safety:

  • Non-hazardous, non-flammable, no vapours
  • Degreasing is done in one area, easy to control and monitor the use
  • pH-neutral, water-based cleaning solution
  • No overspray on floors, therefore no slip hazard


  • Makes the job much easier and quicker
  • Overall, a quicker more efficient way to clean bike components.    
  • Easy to maintain                                 

Cost Saving:

  • Low energy consumption
  • Eco mode and the double skin reduces energy bills by around 42%
  • Reduced waste, the bioremediating technology, and oil-eating microbes keep the fluid clean
  • No service contract, ROwasher is self-recycling and easy to maintain
  • Now able to reuse parts that wouldn’t have been used

Environmental Benefit:

  • Complies with ISO14001
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Lower impact on the environment - No VOCs
  • No waste removal is required

Increased Revenue

  • As bikes are now being turned around faster in the workshops, they can repair more bikes to sell.
  • Bikes are being repaired to a better standard – this is allowing Sue Ryder to charge more for each bike.